
 Now for the real Bondy Bond

A; We're goin g to skip the credits? I wasn't readyu for story yet

P: Well, that's feature of the Bond formula-- the pre-credit action sequence

A: Ha! He's swimming with a bird on his head

A: What a nice wet suit, and a tube of C-4?

P: I think it's special spy explosive

A: Is it safe to toucvh it like that?

A: And he gets out of his wet suit and he's wearing a tux! Oh good-we brought the belly dancer back from the last one

A: Sexy unfinished business

A: Oh, you poked her in the boob with your gun!

A: He let te dud club the girl?! Oh my gosh

A: This James Bond takes no shit. I know Daniel Craig takes no shit, but Pierce Brosnan took some shit.

A: Oh, we're goingh to do the projecting on the sin?

A: Is this the first tome we get a song.

P: Yes, from an established. Shirley Bassey this time. And weirdly, scenes from the movie we're about to watch

A: We're flying in here?

A:Nailed it, diver

P: New Felix Leiter

A: Do we get a Felix every time.

P: Just sometimes

A: What card game are tghey playing?

P: I don't know

A: Look at this fun romper he's wearing

A: What? His divck? Okay, yes he is talking about his dick.

A: Maybe it's very stressful to be a spy and you've just got to get laid all the time.

A: So James Bond hates the Beatles? I want to know what this chop m,ove is. One chop and we're done. I'm just not quite-- is there a weak spot in peoples' necks?

P: Here's another Bond standard. The first girl dies.

P: Not actually tru

A: I gotta say, this sounddfake

P: And now, fun spy gear and the Astin Martin

A: Valid in all four countries? He's got a trunk full of license plates?

A: Q's finger waves are beautiful

A: Where's the bluetooth hookup for his phone? How will he listen to his jams?

A: Is it British for Q to be funny but not funny

P: Yes. I thiunk the idea is to show what a rebel Bond is

A: Does this guy not realize that Bond is the one who slepot with his lady friend and was helping him

P: The answer is yes, but he's curious and they're civilized brits

A: So wer're sayimg Goldfindger is scottish, maybe?

P: We said he was British, but he's played a German actor who's been dubbed.

P: This is a Fleming thing thing. The n ovels get heavily into siue stuff. 

A: Is there gold in the golf balls? Is that how we're transporting shit?

P: No, Fleming just likes to show men battling through games

P: Bond standard of cool henchman

A: Is gonna crush it? He's gonna crush it! Oh my gosh, that's so cool

A: He put a tracking device in the trunk. That is a pretty car

A: Was it ever really this glamorous to ride on a plane?

A: You could jkust park your car?

A: Oo!

P: Yes, more location scenery shooting

A: Is a car going to chase him alreadY? Oh, it's a lady. Well, damn. Why are you speeding on this mountain? Poor decision. Yes, right. Kep your dick in your pants. He's like "I hven't gotten laid in 36 hours

A" Who built those roads? They're teerrible

A: Jump into her car. Do it. She tried to shoot him and didn't try to see if he died?

A: Well, I'm glad you weren't on the mountain part

A: Lovely sport is code for you're full of shit

A: Loudest laughers ever

A: I like it when we have these big elabr=orate set pieces

A: That doesn't make any sense because gold is like a really soft metal

A: Aw, no Michael Bay explosion with the car? Disappointing

A: All the security is bad at shooting

A: There we go

A: It didn't decpitate her

P: Well, she is dead

A: I'm not cheering ondecapitation, but if that's what you're going to promise with the marble statue. Aw, she was just trying to get vengeance for her sister.

A: Is it bad just to outright kill a British spy. WFouldn't that be a quicker fix than to just bring him to the head honcho. We do that a liot, right. Like, we're saving your death for later.

A: I like how it only ejected him enough

A: Gun toting Grandma is good, that's fiunny, you don'ty expect it

A: Por Q and his car

P: Nothing Freudian about this scene at all

A: Death by gadgets?

P: It's a great line

A: I know I've heard this name, but it's still good

A: Can he jump out of the plkane?

P: No

A: My peepholes are so easily foooled by anybopdy

P: Somehow that flawless sjuit was folded up in hos suitcase

P: She was from a British spoy show called the Avengers

A: Doesz Pussy Galores flying circus hav a porno. 

A: Ohmigosh, what is this? Female empowerment. Flying. Golden suns on our boobs

P: O our pointy boobs

A: Well itb was the eventies?

P: Sixties. 1964, I believe

A: Gorgeeous stable, with weird underground prison. This is where all the horses who break the law go. Why else would he have gthis room. How many people does he keep down here?

A: This is a beautioful set. The stone the wood

A: Does he have Q or an R or S or T?

P: No, he's jsut an evil villain

A: We havent been to the depest parts of the ocean

P: Close enough

A: Irrelevant? Okay

A: Oh, you dum dum

A: Wait. Physics. He would have to climb up again and wall ceiling shimmied over

A: I also don't think Sean Conery has the abs to do it, to hold himself on the ceiling

A: Why are we all touching it?

A: Dead, dude

A: Oh no-- the nerve gas

A: Oh good- you sell it dude. The acting was on point

A: Oh no!

A: Oh, KFC

A: Do these guys save him in time? No.

P: Yeah, he's a bad guy. Though his name gets recycled in a TV sbhow that Fleming helped design. The Man from UNCLE.

P: My real, question has alwatys been why does Goldfinger bother to explain his plan to a bunch of guys he intends to kill

A: This is quite a bummer to watch this guy being crushed up in this car. He's probabl;y somebody's adad or brother or kid

A: Hewa ited for the garbage-- bevcause of the gold. He's got a crushed up guy in the car

A: I love her tan tanness

P:This is a cute gag

A: I like how in the first movies his drink isn't just the martini. He's like all the booze for me

A: Are we still on the gold standard in 1960 something? Np, that goes away with what Rutherford B Hayes. Gold matters, but it doesn't matter as much

P: Well, his personla supply would be more valuable. 

A: The tan was good for her, but that purplkee is good too, And zip up the side pants

A: I don't know-- I nthink her boobs are made of gold

A: Gross,l no means no

P: It gets worse

P: James Bond is kind of rapey

A: If I can just kiss her, then she will see

P: I don't know if you picked up the about as explicit as we can get back then lesbian subtet

P: So a really big conversion is called for

A: Is fort knox not protected airspace?

P: Porbably?

A: Laughing at collapsing extras

A: Oh my gosh you guys are doing so good

A How potent is the nerve gas? You can't seeit and I'm sure that's not the point, but--

A: Wjat about thde people inside? Are we assuming they're all oiut too?

P: Pew pew pew

A: Why does iot make a special noise?

A: We got our special laser like we showed earlier. Really slowly. Why don't they jkust dynamite the doors.

A: Again--nobody's in this building? Nobody's here?

P: Oops

A: Oh shit

A: What, you just found a club back there that was laying around?!

A: Its good they polished those floors so well so he could slide rihght across there

A: Tjhe incapacitating arm. Oh and another one to his kidneys

A: Wait--he's not strog enough for his own hat?

A: Nope that's not how electricity works. That was adorable

A: No, gold is tyoo soft for this. Is nobody listening to me.

P: It's heavy. That would help

P: I like that it has the spinny wheels

A: It seems like not the way actual bombs are created. We took all the parts of a clock and attached gthem to a bomb

A:P Oh, gross

P: That's also a Bond thing now, movie ends big large scale battle . And when you gthink about it, Bond really didn;'t do much to help anmything

A: A prisobn cell in your stud farm?

A: Theese are great soecial effects

A: Oh, the songs are so clicheable

P: But they bwere a new thing at the time. The songs, the whole assthetric

A The glamor

P: The spyness


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